jar of chocolate



You may ask yourself what that is.Cocoa is one of the richest sources of polyphenols(A kind of chemical that (at least in theory) may protect against some common health problems and possibly certain effects of aging).But it dose lose its benefits the more it is processed. It also helps with high blood pressure. cocoa are thought to improve nitric oxide levels in the blood, which can enhance the function of your blood vessels and reduce blood pressure . A test was done to see how patients with high blood pressure would react with chocolate and they found that it had reduced by 2mmHg in blood pressure.

Reduces heart attacks and strokes

It may also reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke since it has ntric oxide in your blood which relaxes and plates your your arteries and blood vessels and improves blood flow and has even been seen that it can reduce bad cholesteral even eating up to one serving of chocolate per day can reduce your risk of a heart attack , heart failure and stroke

cocoa bean

Mental health

It can also improve mood and symptoms of depression the conversion of tryptophan to the natural mood stabilizer serotonin. A study conducted indicated that stress levels in pregnant women reduced when eating chocolate and improved the mood in babies.

Diabetes and blood sugar levels

dark chocolate and cocoa can reduce the risk of diabetes and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It is very easy to include in your diet it can be in dark chocolate, hot cocoa, smoothies, adding over fruit and granola bars.It is recommend to include 2.5 grams powder or 10 grams of chocolate in your diet. Cocoa has many good benefits that are beneficial for your health although it still contains qualities of sugar and fats you have to remember to stick to reasonable portioned sizes.

you always have to make sure to eat appropriate amounts and also remember that the more processed the cocoa is the less healthier it is for you


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