
8 AM – 9AM: Breakfast/Exhibit Hall opn/Type Expo

9AM-9:15 PM

SPARK: Embrace Your Inner Weirdo & Disrupt to Reach Max Potential | Sonja Rasula | Founder Unique USA, CAMP and Unique Space.

9:15 AM-10:00 AM: Keynote:  John Casper  |  Design Director Casper Productions

10-11:30 AM (Sessions, Choose one)

Out of Juice: How to Replenish Your Creativity Well Terri Trespicio, Content and Branding Expert.

Designing for the Future with Cues from Today’s Top Trends: Andrew Gibbs, Founder of The Dieline Session Presented by the Dieline Conference.

Creativity with Adobe Stock: Leta Sobierajski, Wade Jeffree.

FIRED UP: Fueling Growth with Good Design Margo Chase, Founder/Creative Director, Chase Design Group Session Presented by The Dieline Conference.

11:45 AM -13:30 PM (Sessions, Choose one)

Design Can Save the World and Other Things I Learned from Kanye West Alex Center, Design Director, The Coca-Cola Co. Session Presented by The Dieline Conference

From Design Thinking to Design-Driven: A Story in Three Acts Klaus Kaasgaard, VP of Experience Design, SurveyMonkey.

Tools & Resources Marketers and Creatives: Better Together Moderated by Alex Withers, Chief Marketing Officer, inMotionNow.

12:30 – 2:00 PM:  Lunch on your own |  Exhibit Hall Open

1:00 PM -2:45 PM

Tools & Resources Project Felix: What 3D Means to How You Design 10 Months and 10 Years from Now, Michael Dolan, Creative Director, Churchill Design Studio and Chantel Benson, Product Manager, Adobe Photoshop Team.

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM (Sessions, Choose one)

PopMinded: The Art of Connecting through Popular Culture Christine Taylor, Hallmark.

Design Inside: The Changing Role of Design Within Organizations Helen Stringer, Design Director, Corporate Capability, Procter & Gamble.

How AI will Impact Tomorrow’s Design Field—and How We Can Continue to Thrive Despite It Jason Tselentis, Associate Professor at Winthrop University.

Tools & Resources Reinventing Stock Photography: The 3 T’s, William Liani, Depositphotos.

5:00 PM: Keynote.

5:00 PM: Happy Hour Sponsored by Adobe.